Elizabeth Paton
Journalist and Media Commentator

I write about the fashion and luxury industries for The New York Times and am based in Europe. Before joining the New York Times in London in the summer of 2015, I spent 8 months as a reporter on the FT main news desk in London covering breaking news. Until December 2014, I was the FT's Fashion and Luxury Correspondent based in New York. In that role, I reported on corporate company and market activity from across the fashion, beauty and broader retail and consumer worlds. Prior to joining the FT in 2011, I was the assistant online editor at the Sunday Times Style magazine in London.
European Styles Correspondent
New York Times
2015 - present
- Based in London
Report and write about the fashion and luxury industry in Europe
- Interview CEOs and designers
- Cover market-moving luxury news for the Business Day section
- Moderate panels at New York Times conferences
Breaking News Desk/Companies Reporter
Financial Times
2014 - 2015
- Based in London
- Covered market-moving earnings, breaking world and financial news daily on the FTLive desk from 6.30-10.30am for the homepage of FT.com and paper editions
- Rolling commentator on some of the biggest stories of the year including the UK general election and Greek debt crisis
- Regular fastFT contributor
- Interviewed and cultivated relations with top financial analysts, company CEOs and sources
- Broke news, produced analysis, video reports and features with a focus on UK house building, construction and global infrastructure sectors
- Continued to produce ongoing coverage of global corporate luxury sector across FT sections
Fashion and Luxury Correspondent
Financial Times
2013 - 2014
- Based in New York
- Reported front‐page scoops, analysis, earnings, interviews, video reports and features both for the newspaper and online, with a focus on commercial fashion, luxury and US consumer retail sector stories
- FT Digital Champion of the Month – company-wide prize for consistent use of innovative new techniques in online journalism and storytelling
- Leading contributor to the FT’s luxury blog Material World
- Covered New York Fashion Week alongside the FT fashion editor, writing daily show reviews,
video reports, blogs and spearhead seasonal social media coverage
- Moderated panels and created agendas both at Financial Times and other luxury industry conferences
- Regular industry commentator for media outlets including Sky News and Huffington Post
• Created advertising campaigns for FT.com promoting luxury content on and outside site
• Lead social media and community-‐building strategies for Luxury 360 and all related satellite sites
Other Roles:
Luxury 360 assistant editor, Financial Times
Assistant online editor, Sunday Times Style Magazine
Oxford University
Balliol College
BA Hons English Literature
North London Collegiate School